PURPOSE >> About : Vision 1: Establish & Strengthen the Local Church The New Testament apostolic model as revealed throughout the book of Acts shows two primary patterns, that of establishing local churches and strengthening those in existence. It being the desire of AUM to adhere to this pattern, leaders within AUM not only labor faithfully in their locality but also see other leaders and localities as equally important in God's plan to build His Church. The network becomes a melting pot of strategy, vision, methods, teaching, training and programs. The validity of these are not predicated on the size or fame of a man's ministry but rather on his personal character, his commitment to Jesus and others, and on his sphere of anointing and calling. Within this network, testimonies abound of brothers helping and encouraging each other. This happens as Jesus makes clear His total purpose, thus enabling leaders to reach out beyond personal borders. When this happens, the spirit of pride and competition, which plagues so many cannot find place. In this, the terms fellowship and relationship become realities and not just teachings. The establishing and strengthening of local churches can then be identified and accomplished through three basic vehicles: Church to church relationships - These friendships are often developed by geography or just by mutual interest and the draw of God's Spirit calling men together to share their hearts and interests. Trans-local ministry - (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists and Pastor-Teachers with traveling ministries) many churches have correct teaching, but no valid model of the doctrine. Others have closed themselves down to trans-local servant ministries because of past abuses from those with self-serving motivations. All those with trans-local ministry within AUM are joined to the local church and have accountability to the local pastor. In addition they have apostolic covering and input so that a team spirit prevails. International Training Events: A. AUM Ministerial and Leadership Conference. B. Women of Excellence Conference. C. STAND Youth Conference. D. Pastoral Retreats E. Missions Training To call like minded leaders and churches together. All events are done to promote and support the local church rather than promote a man or a project. 2: Develop a Network with a Kingdom Mentality While there is no Biblical debate that the local church was and is the vehicle to disciple believers and evangelize the nations, it must be understood that the first century apostles did not view any particular church as being complete in and of itself. It must also be understood that the same principals Governing Body Life in the local church are applicable to churches themselves. Just as members of the local church are dependent on each other, so individual churches cannot function independently of others. Consideration should be given to several New Testament texts to illustrate this, especially that certain epistles were considered general in content and received by numerous churches and localities. The book of Galatians was written to churches rather than a single congregation. The sending and receiving of various persons from church to church further illustrates that the local church was not self-sufficient and no attitude to that effect existed. To clarify what a network is and how it should function. As we are assembled each add strength and shape to each other while remaining a separate, distinctive part. In addition, each member has contact with other five fold ministries, illustrating the issue of having our lives in a common bond before pursuing the purposes of God together. The historical perspective must also be examined to identify this stance. In any genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit there has been and will be a God motivated to work together in a fuller way. The outcome of this call has not always resulted in the desired objective. When the Biblical pattern is not followed, denominations, the monument to this failure, are the result. Still others, in an attempt to avoid obvious pitfalls yet still outside the pattern, have gone from legalism and bondage to complete license and individualism. If AUM is to be truly Biblical, then independence must be molded into interdependence- again a reference to the Teamwork and its concepts. Without the five fold gifts functioning, no church can fully mature, equip or send out believers. Apostles and Prophets are just as necessary as Pastors and Teachers, yet different. While no church must have all in residence, certainly The Church must have them. Therefore, any network of churches must be able to relate to the apostolic and prophetic gifts in the same manner that an individual believer relates to pastoral ministry. Not to do so leaves the local church handicapped and the body becomes dysfunctional. The leaders who have identified with AUM have come from many different theological orientations, yet are committed to seeing these principles worked out. Becoming a Biblical minister of the Gospel, a Biblical church and a Biblical network has become a conviction rather than a preference. >> |